Your Story is your Testimony

Our belief is that your life is your legacy and your story is your testimony. We believe that everyone has a story that can change lives. We are an independent, minority-owned, women-owned company that creates and publishes books, courses and educational materials that are culturally diverse with a preference for books that teach and inspire (self-help, memoirs, poetry, life and business instructional). If you need support to write and share your story, let’s schedule a meeting to see how we can work together.


Community Service: We are also the parent company of the Growing into Greatness Growth and Mentorship Initiative.


As a publisher, we see firsthand the transformative impact that authoring a book can have. Here are five compelling reasons why you should consider writing a book:

  1. Establish Yourself as an Expert: Writing a non-fiction book allows you to showcase your expertise and establish credibility in your field. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a thought leader, or someone with unique experiences to share, a book is a powerful platform that can elevate your professional status and open doors to new opportunities such as speaking engagements, consulting offers, and enhanced career prospects.

  2. Reach a Wider Audience: Publishing a book expands your reach far beyond your immediate circle. It connects you with readers across the globe, spreading your ideas and influence.

  3. Generate Additional Income: A book can become a significant source of passive income. Once published, your book can continue to earn royalties for years to come. Furthermore, it can lead to other revenue-generating activities such as workshops, seminars, and paid speaking events.

  4. Create a Lasting Impact: Books have the unique ability to influence thoughts, change behaviors, and shape societies. By sharing your knowledge and insights, you contribute to the ongoing dialogue in your field and potentially bring about meaningful change.


“My sisters, we are strong and vulnerable and resilient and powerful and full of humanity. We are busy caring for the world, and protecting our sons and most of our daily struggles are overlooked. These poems are a window to our hearts. We are at the intersection of sexism and racism and need an extra dose of love. As a matter of fact, we need deep and abiding love. We need love without having to struggle, without having to prove ourselves worthy. Love, loyalty and respect just because we have beautiful souls. When you look in the mirror, see your majesty, see all the beauty that is inside of you. The world may not alway see us so allow the light of self-love to shine brightly.


  • Income for Writers: Join Substack

  • Build your email List: Affiliate link for Convertkit

  • Self-publishing: Amazon KDP

  • Favorite Book: The Business of Being a Writer by Jane Friedman

  • The Best Resource for Writers: - compiled by LikeHacker, this article helps you wade though the numerous books on writing to find the best one for your needs.

  • Grammar: The Elements of Style - Almost all you need to know to make your manuscript pass an agent and to a real editor's desk.